Mooi’s Flu Season Must Haves.


With flu season upon us and the pandemic dragging on, boosting our immune health is more important now than ever! If we take care of our bodies and support our immune systems, we will better be able to avoid getting sick and, recover more quickly if we do. Two important nutrients in doing so are vitamin D & zinc. Not only are they both vital for supporting a healthy immune system, but research also suggests that those with deficiencies in either are more susceptible to longer and more severe symptoms of COVID19. I have put together a list of Mooi’s must-have additions to your winter grocery list that are rich in not only these two key nutrients, but also some important others, to keep you feeling your best.

Hemp Seeds.

Hemp seeds are high in zinc to help support a healthy immune system. They are also rich in omega 3 fatty acids and magnesium - two other key nutrients that support healthy immune function. These little nutrient powerhouses will aid the function and development of your body’s immune cells, help reduce low grade inflammation (which facilitates sickness) and help modulate the overall response of your innate immune system (our first line of defence against foreign invaders). Hemp seeds are great not only for their immune boosting benefits but also their nutty flavour and versatility.

3 Ways To Use Hemp Seeds:

• Sprinkle them on your salad.

• Put them in your smoothies or oatmeal.

• Make a pesto with them.

Dark Chocolate.

Yes, you CAN eat chocolate while also supporting your immune system. But not just any chocolate. To gain the health benefits you must be choosing a good quality dark chocolate (this means 75% and above), or ideally raw cacao powder or cacao nibs. These benefits are due to flavonoids (anti-inflammatory plant compounds) and antioxidant properties as well as its magnesium content that helps to protect our cells from damage and inflammation. Studies suggest that people who eat dark chocolate every day have an increased number of supportive white blood cells along with activation of certain pathways involved in our cellular immune response. Mooi’s recommendation is opting for raw cacao powder or nibs as they have less additives and the most bioavailable amounts of magnesium so you can reap all the benefits.

3 Ways To Use Dark Chocolate:

• Try baking with raw cacao powder or dark chocolate chips.

• Add it to your smoothies/oatmeal.

• Use the nibs in a trail mix or sprinkle on top of a yogurt or smoothie bowl.


For as long as I can remember, my parents would give my sister and I cloves of chopped up garlic anytime we felt under the weather. I always thought this was a Ukrainian thing, but have since learned that garlic is one of the best foods to support immune health. It is recognized around the world for its antiviral and antibacterial properties due to its high concentration of sulphur-containing compounds (these are also what give it its potent smell). These compounds may give you garlic breath, but they are extremely effective in reducing inflammation and protecting against certain types of bacteria. This is one of the easiest additions to almost any diet, I don’t know of any savoury recipe that wouldn’t be improved with the addition of garlic. That may be the Ukrainian in me talking, but regardless, garlic should be on everyone’s grocery list this flu season.

3 Ways To Use Garlic:

• Add to your favourite pasta sauce.

• Cut the top off a garlic bulb, drizzle with olive oil and bake for 45 mins at 425C, then add to sauces, soups, or make your own garlic butter.

• Grate fresh garlic into a mix of olive oil, ACV, salt, and pepper for an easy salad dressing.

Fatty Fish.

Fatty fish such as wild salmon, black cod, halibut, trout, anchovy, sardine and mackerel are commonly recognized for their omega 3 content which is beneficial for overall good health. Fatty fish are also great (and one of the only) dietary sources of Vitamin D. Omega -3 fatty acids are known for their anti-inflammatory properties and they play an important role in immune responses in the body. Vitamin D is not only shown to help reduce the severity and longevity of the COVID19 virus but it also plays an important role in overall immune responses. By mixing a good quality fatty fish into your diet just once a week, you can reap the benefits of these nutrients and support your immune system.

3 Ways To Use Fatty Fish:

• Bake with olive oil, slices of fresh lemon, garlic and dill.

• Make homemade fish tacos.

• Make a homemade Caesar salad dressing with anchovy paste.

Green Tea.

Green tea is commonly recognized for its flavonoid and antioxidant properties, making it perfect for supporting the immune system. Specifically, green tea is rich in the antioxidant epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) which has been shown to enhance immune function. It is also rich in the amino acid L-theanine which aids in the production of germ-fighting compounds in the body, as well as has a calming effect on the nervous system. Matcha, a type of green tea that is stone ground into powder form, is the best source of these nutrients containing up to 137 times more antioxidants than regular green tea.

3 Ways To Use Green Tea:

• Swap out one of your daily coffees for a cup of green tea with some fresh ginger (reduces a sore throat and nausea) and manuka honey (contains powerful antibacterial and antiviral properties).

• Try a Matcha latte.

• Add Matcha powder to your baking or smoothies.

Cruciferous Vegetables.

Also known as the brassica family, cruciferous vegetables include broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, along with many others. Similar to garlic, these vegetables are rich in sulphur-containing compounds along with a plethora of vitamins and minerals, including fibre and antioxidants to support immune health. The key with these vegetables, is to cook them as little as possible, because cooking them can reduce the levels of certain nutrients they contain.

3 Ways To Use Cruciferous Veg:

• Eat them raw with hummus.

• Chop them up in a big salad.

• Add frozen cauliflower or kale to your smoothies.

The best way to fight the flu, is to prevent it all together- and eating these immune boosting foods will support the strength of your immune system not just during flu season, but all year round. The nutrients these foods contain do so much more than support a healthy immune system and are an easy addition to any diet. Try adding them to you grocery list regularly for maximum benefits; your body will thank you.




Eat Pretty; Mooi’s inside out approach to skin care.